When it comes to building money, consistency is essential. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) play an important role in the​ space of investing. SIPs enable you to invest a certain amount in mutual funds at regular intervals, making it easier to develop the habit of saving and investing without having to worry about timing the market. Understanding and using SIPs can help novices in India achieve financial independence and long-term financial objectives.

    Beginner’s guide to investing in SIPs

    • What is a SIP?

    A systematic investment plan (SIP) is a systematic and disciplined method of mutual fund investing in which a set amount of money is automatically invested at regular intervals (such as monthly or quarterly). This strategy helps investors retain discipline by eliminating the need to actively watch the market while making lump-sum transactions. SIPs automate the investment process, ensuring that you continuously contribute to your financial objectives, using the power of compounding over time.

    • Choose the right mutual fund

    Before beginning an SIP, it is important to choose a mutual fund that suits your financial goals, risk profile and time horizon. The past performance of a fund is informative but not conclusive of the future performance of the fund. However, more attention should also be paid to the experience of the fund manager, his or her approach to investments, and the stability of the fund’s returns in various conditions. This information can assist you in selecting the proper fund to address your investment requirements.

    • Decide the investment amount

    The amount of investment should be a reasonable sum, which does not affect your everyday budget. Small amounts such as Rs 500 or Rs 1000 per month can grow over time because of the compounded effect. The best way is to invest as much as you can manage initially and then gradually increase the amount of money that you are willing to invest.

    Understand the types of SIPs

    Distinct types of SIPs include – 

    • Regular SIP

    This is the most common type where a fixed amount is invested at regular intervals irrespective of the condition of the market.

    • Flexible SIP

    This type allows you to vary the invested amount depending on your current financial situation.

    • Trigger SIP

    This runs on its own as soon as certain predetermined conditions like a market level or a financial event are reached.

    • Perpetual SIP

    It is an open-ended intervention, and the SIP can go on indefinitely until you choose to stop it.

    These types provide a certain degree of flexibility and control over your investments to meet the needs of different financial situations.

    • Set a goal

    It is essential to understand your financial objectives whether it is for retirement, home, or education. It helps in determining the right fund and the amount to be invested through SIPs. Goal setting is important because it assists in the focusing of efforts and tracking of the returns on investments.

    • Choose the investment interval

    SIPs are very flexible; you can choose to invest as frequently as you want, be it monthly, quarterly or even weekly depending on your income cycle or preference. This flexibility assists in matching your investment activities with your cash flow, which is easier to do without straining the business financially.

    • Learn how to calculate SIP returns

    It is important to know how to calculate SIP returns in mutual funds. Returns on SIP can be easily calculated with the help of an online SIP calculator. To get the result, you will have to enter the initial monthly investment, the expected annual rate of return, and the number of years for the investment. These calculators assist in determining how much your investments will be worth in future and what to expect given the SIP contributions.

    • Long-term benefits

    SIPs are advantageous when investing in mutual funds for the long term because they minimise the overall risk by spreading out the cost of the mutual fund units over time. This process is called rupee-cost averaging, which minimises the effects of fluctuating markets on your investment. The longer the investment horizon, the higher the chances of your investments to earn compounded returns.

    • Monitor but do not micromanage

    It enables you to track the performance of your SIP investment and make improvements if necessary. But it is advisable not to be too interventionist or act on the whims of short-term fluctuations in the market since sip is designed for long-term gains.

    • Increase SIP amount

    Over time, as your capability to invest grows, gradually increasing the amount of your SIP can make a huge difference in your investment portfolio owing to compounding. This strategy is referred to as a step-up SIP, and it can be used to efficiently boost the wealth creation process.

    • Diversify your portfolio

    Diversification is essential for controlling risk in your investing portfolio. When establishing SIPs, consider diversifying among several types of mutual funds, such as equities funds for growth, debt funds for stability, and hybrid funds for a combination of the two. This technique aims to diversify your risk across asset classes and investing strategies, thereby mitigating the impact of poor performance in a particular asset type.

    • Take advantage of tax benefits

    Certain types of mutual fund SIPs, such as those in Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), provide tax benefits under Section 80C. Investing in these funds can lower your taxable income by up to Rs 1.5 lakh per year, making it an appealing alternative for tax savings while increasing your capital. When selecting such funds, remember to consider the lock-in period as well as your financial goals.

    • Prepare for market fluctuations

    While SIPs are intended to lessen some of the risks involved with market timing, investors should continue to plan for market changes. Understanding that markets go through ups and downs will help you stay cool during times of low performance and avoid making rash judgements based on short-term market fluctuations. This mentality is critical to long-term investment success.

    • Use SIPs as a stepping stone for larger investments

    SIPs can help novice investors grasp markets and investment fundamentals. As you gain confidence and expertise, you may leverage the discipline and savings you have built up through SIPs to make larger, more strategic investments. This might involve direct equity investments, real estate, or more advanced financial products.


    Investing through SIPs not only makes financial sense but also coincides with the path to reaching your goals and financial independence. SIPs’ structured approach helps to limit risks, leverage compounding, and create wealth systematically and predictably. SIPs provide a simple and effective approach for new investors to get started. Begin small, dream large, and see your investments grow.